All members are requested to attend the Annual General Body Meeting to be held on the 17th of July 2011 from 04.00pm at Madras Kerala Samajam. Also find the AGM notice...
June 27, 2011
Notice is hereby given that the 27th Annual General Body Meeting of the Samajam will be held on Sunday, 17th of July 2011 at 04:00pm at Kerala Samajam Hall, Ponamallee High Road, Egmore, Chennai-600008(Phone: 2541 1813) to transact the following business.
1. To receive and adopt the Annual Report and the Audited Statement of Accounts for the Financial year ending 31-03-2011.
2. To elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and
other members of the Managing Committee for the ensuing year.
3. To appoint an auditor for the year 2011-12.
4. To consider other matters, for which a member has given notice to the Managing Committee at least 7 days prior to the Annual General Body Meeting.
5. To consider any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
By order of the Managing Committee
Ramdas R Warrier
June 27, 2011.
Nominations for the posts of Office Bearers and Managing Committee members, duly proposed and seconded, with the consent of the candidate, will be received by the Secretary till 3:30 pm on July 17, 2011 – the date of the Annual General Body Meeting. Tea and snacks will be served at the venue of the Annual General Body Meeting. As the main hall is undergoing renovation, there might be inconvenience which is regretted.
In continuance of our practice of the previous years, Merit Awards will be distributed to the top students of Stds X and XII, who have passed their exams in the first attempt in March 2011, with not less than 75% aggregate. The awards, to be distributed during the AGM, will be given to the top students of both State and Central Board schools. Parents of eligible students are requested to kindly send the attested copy of their wards’ mark sheets, so as to reach the Secretary, at the above address, before 16th of July 2011.
Dear Members
I have great pleasure in placing before you, the report of our activities for the year 2010-2011, along with the audited Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure statement for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2011.
We have now completed 28 years of existence, and we can say with pride that we have indeed come a long way from our humble beginnings. We have tried out a few innovations like creating a common e-mail ID, which has been well received by our members. Other than Google Group and id’s on ORKUT and FACEBOOK, we now have our own blog where we update news, achievements and general discussions related to the Samajam. We hope to generate more participation from the youth in our midst, giving us fresh ideas to take this organization forward in this Digital Era. We are also continuing the process of digitizing our archives with the 500 GB portable Hard Disk bought last year. We request all members to kindly e-mail scanned copies of any photographs of earlier functions to our e-mail ID, so that we can create a permanent record for future reference. We also invite further suggestions from our members to improve the level of participation by our members in our activities.
We have approximately 250 members in our Samajam, of which about 160 are life members. We request the remaining members to convert their membership to life membership at the earliest. We also request all members to keep track of Warriers migrating to Chennai, and inform the Managing Committee, so that we can increase our membership.
We had 8 committee meetings during the year, hosted by our committee members, during which decisions on policy matters were taken after thorough discussion.
The present managing committee was elected at the AGM held on July 25th 2010, which was attended by around 50 members and their families.
As always, especially during these trying times, this particular aspect continues to be a cause for concern. Even with the enhanced deposit, income from Interest alone is not sufficient to conduct our programmes. We have been meeting the additional expenses through donations and sponsorships from our members and non-member organisations. We record our sincere thanks to all the members and organizations who have donated generously to make the various events possible.
The first event of the year has always been the ONAM Celebrations. This year too, ONAM was celebrated on Octoberber 3rd 2010 at the Kerala Samajam Hall.
More than 80 members and their families attended the function. There was wide participation in the music and dance progwrammes held on the occasion. The function ended with our traditional “Onassadya”.
We celebrated our Annual Day on January 30th 2011, at the Kerala Samajam Hall. A variety of music and dance programmes were presented on the occasion by the members and their families. More than 90 families attended the function, which concluded with dinner.
Merit Awards were presented to the children of our members who secured the highest marks in the 10th and 12th Standard Examinations, during the last AGM. The Samajam felicitated newly married members / children of members with token gifts.
We record our deep sense of grief at the passing away of some of our members and relatives of members during the past year. The office-bearers have, wherever feasible, conveyed their condolences in person. May the departed souls be blessed with everlasting peace.
I conclude with a word of thanks to all the office-bearers and committee members, who have pooled their resources to enable our programmes to be conducted smoothly. Special thanks to Mrs. Sreelatha Chandran and Mrs. Latha Ashok for overall co-ordination and support for the cultural activities and also to Mrs. Rathi Venugopal for getting the accounts ready on time. Our Senior members have been a source of tremendous support and encouragement and I thank them for their generous praise for our efforts. My sincere thanks to all our members and their families for their whole-hearted support and participation in our programmes. I also extend my thanks to the Management of the Kerala Samajam for allowing us to use their auditorium for our Onam and Annual Day functions. And finally, to our Auditors, M/s. M.R. Ramachandran & Co., thank you very much for the timely completion of our Audited Balance Sheet and accounts.
With regards
Ramdas R Warrier
June 27, 2011.
A.V.Bhaskara Warrier, 75, Founder member VSM, passed away at Singapore on 24/07/2011. Wife - Sumathi(Edakunni), children - Sunil, Seema (Singapore)